What We Teach

One Heart One Mind Center for Spiritual Living is a member of Centers for Spiritual Living, a global community comprised of more than 400 spiritual communities, teaching chapters, study groups and other ministries.

Our communities teach a New Thought philosophy that brings religion and science together and offers spiritual tools to transform personal lives and help make the world a better place.

This philosophy, known as “Science of Mind”, holds that all life is sacred and that each human being is an expression of God.  We teach that as God is creative, humankind is creative. That the predominant pattern of our thoughts create our life experiences.

We are a welcoming, inclusive and diverse community. ​

We honor all paths to God. People from all spiritual paths – Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, and others are welcome in our communities. ​

Our community is a safe and loving environment in which people can experience a personal relationship with the creator. ​

We promote a community of tolerance, understanding and respect; provide classes, programs, prayer and meditation; and advocate a safe spiritual community of like-minded people interested in living a spiritual life. ​

As a member of Centers for Spiritual Living we are committed to the global vision of "A World that Works for Everyone". ​

It is our intention to go beyond tolerance to a place of understanding. ​

Our beliefs are described in our “Declaration of Principles" (also called the “What We Believe Statement). It begins, "We believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty, One, Indestructible, Absolute and Self-Existent Cause. This One manifests itself in and through all creation."


​We see a world that works for everyone. Where all life is honored as an expression of the Divine. Where people live according to their spiritual truth. Where humanity awakens to its spiritual magnificence. Where humanity rediscovers creative power. Where we live as one global family. Where kinship with all life prospers. Where unity and connection is emphasized. Where forgiveness is the norm. Where spiritual guidance is valued. Where we are called to conscious social action. Where people have enough food, homes, and sense of belonging. Where there is peace, justice, and harmony for all. Where resources are valued, cared for, and shared. Where communities are meaningfully involved in service to the world. Where there is a renewed emphasis on beauty, nature, creativity, art, and aesthetics.